Sunday, January 24, 2010

Clean linens, clean life.

I've finally washed the residual shame out of my sheets that was left over from my last relationshiplette. It took a week to do but that's only because I was fresh out of quarters. The only things that remain to be cleared are the newly found gutpunch whenever I hear the XX album that I got him into, and the nervous feeling when I walk into one of our shared hangouts.

In the grand scheme of things, this was a nothing, a small insignificant nonblip on the dating map of my life. Why it is important now is because he was the first person I'd kinda liked in a long time. And he was dangerously close to breaking through what my therapist refers to as my emotional containment (I'm still riding high from that diagnosis, I take it to mean cool and aloof, like the Fonz)

Lessons learned from this short affair:

When a guy tells you he is "emotionally unavailable" on the second date. Note the glaring, blinding red flag and run. Run like you've never run before.

When you're playing games in his room and find long brown hairs that look like they belong to that chick posting pictures all over his facebook. They are hers. Run.

Telling you that he isn't ruling out the possibility of a relationship in the distant future, means he has a lot more facebook girls left to bang. I'm telling you to run, so run ok?

When he mails the earplugs you left at his apartment (he snored really loud. don't judge me) to your work after you emaily dumped him, realize someone has more issues than you. Be happy you are no longer dealing with those issues and stop running.

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